I could have sworn that writing even a short piece without ’e’s in the past tense would have been next to impossible. I realize know that it isn’t if one ensures that they use the irregular verbs. Well done on a very strong piece.
But… it isn’t entirely in the past tense. It’s mixed, past and present. Fortunately, most of the present tense verbs can be switched to past tense very easily. They’re mainly in the last two paragraphs and the only one that would need to be creatively altered is ‘haunt’.
@32^2 Thanks for re-issuing this challenge. It made me feel like I have been honing my skills since arriving at Ficly.
@August- In whole about 3 hours but that was with massive distractions at the local coffee shop. It was closer to two hours of straight writing. I re-read my previous challenge entry and let that guide me.
@Defineinsanity- I’m a little confused. Am I holding you back? I don’t recall restraining you…
@THX- I wish I could say I did that on purpose but it more or less just came out that way.
Man it feels GREAT to use e’s all over this comment. /sigh of contentment