Cliff hanger! The use of bold at first made me think this was linked to a challenge, then that it was a word exercise, and finally I accepted it as foreshadowing. I love how open to interpretation it is, mark of a good ficly. :)
Diction is well chosen, the suspense is great. Well done!
I like how this story left me wanting more. It was put together nicely!
wow! I LOVE your writing style you’ve got such a talent, keep going :)
is there some kinda record for longest time after published a ficly is featured?
very entrancing and beautiful. You never cease to amaze me. :)
great story! you paint such a realistic picture, it makes me feel like I’m really there. I’d love to find out what happens next!
I love the description of the room! Reminds me a bit of Bella’s room in Twilight. Then when the dialogue comes, it really punches. Love it.