Socratic Method: Two Women
“Plato, do you know the two women there, one following the other through the square?”
“Yes, Socrates. The first is Elpida and she that follows is Gia. They weave cloth to sell in the market.”
“Their skills are different, are they not?”
“Yes. Elpida’s cloth is durable but dull. Gia is known for her use of color and texture but her fabric is quite delicate.”
“See how they stop at each stall where cloth is offered for sale, Elpida first and then Gia?”
“As weavers, they show an interest in the cloth made by the other women.”
“Why do they visit the stalls, one after the other?”
“Elpida often offers advice to women on improving the weave of their cloth. Gia’s values are different and she assures them that their cloth is wonderful as it is.”
“Of the two, which is the dominant one?”
“Elpida. Gia watches where Elpida goes and follows in her footsteps. She thinks to change Elpida’s behavior but succeeds only in changing her own.”
“Does Elpida seek that role?”
“No. Gia herself bestows that honor.”