
wheat thins (revised)

(I decided to make this a song, so now there’s two verses and a chorus.)

remember the time
you poured milk in the candle
well neither do I
and we laughed
well after midnight
and you broke your headphone jack

I don’t remember
why you had milk and candles
or how much
we drank that night
but it was a good night
and I needed to feel good
if only for
a moment’s time

and remember the time
I tried to wake you up
after the cot
collapsed beneath your head
and I threw
all the m&m’s right at your face
and played an air raid siren

I don’t remember
why we had m&m’s
or how much
we drank that night
but it was a good night
and I needed to feel good
if only for
a moment’s time

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