
The mouse

I scurried around, always on guard of oncoming problems and constantly aware of every little thing. I ran across the TD garden underground Train station, not actually through it, Through rat tunnels. I made my way over behind the dunkin donuts, and scurried up a hole inside the booth. The constant rush of humans made my hair tingle with excitement. The workers were clumsy, always dropping things, donuts, coffee drops, anything, Rats and mice and pidgens ate it. The one thing we stay away from, is open life, trains, and people. We need people, without them no one would leave food around for us. Then a breakthrough, a large chocolate covered donut hit the ground, half eaten, it was a perfect treat for the day. I moved my legs in momentum toward it, and took a bite out of it, a pidgeon battled me off, i got part of it.

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