Just wanted to write something, so I went trolling through Flickr and found a picture to use. It starts with this http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/3640758097/ and just goes from there as stuff popped into my head. Not my best, but it ain’t my worst either.
i think the punishment fits the crime.. had a hard time picturing the man in this, until i saw the photo. I think the setting is lacking, i mean we see the dark (all hallow’s eve), the woods, and we assume the boys came to her father to ‘fess up, but he was wearing a hat, so he must have been outside, not home relaxing. That’s why it feels awkward to me. (there’s my ramble)
Nice! Their fear is conveyed really well, makes me wonder what this forest is like and what they’ll find in there. Great names too. I always have a hard time coming up with names.
THX 0477
ElshaHawk (LoA)