Well done! It fits the challenge perfectly. No one ever gives consideration to what ignorant Igor thinks or wants. Why would they? But they’ll regret it.
On a kind of tangentially related topic, my appreciation for things Frankensteinian is forever tainted by Mel Books’ film Young Frankenstein and by Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels. My first reading of this was colored by that, seeing humor (“Coming, mathter!”) where none was intended. That’s my problem, not yours.
Very minor points: quantities is spelled incorrectly; he after a semicolon does not need to be capitalized.
Thanks for pointing that out, I edited accordingly. To be honest, I kinda hoped someone would see humor in Igor’s reponse. I think that the ability to seem laughable and stupid makes Igor all the more sinister. Thank you for the kind words
Let me preface by saying I enjoyed this. It is well written and I like that you fit a unique perspective on a classic tale into your challenge. With that said, below are a few critiques:
When writing, try not to bog your work down with too many adjectives. Especially similar adjectives one after the other. Throughout this you double-up on synonymous adjectives. I realize that these words DO mean different things, but “envy and jealousy”, “totally and utterly”, “affection and applause”, these words convey a scene that could be demonstrated with just one of those words, for instance: " He would watch from the shadows of whatever hall they were presenting in and be ripped to shreds by envy." The reader will be able to surmise that Igor wants what his master has by just that one word and it keeps your work flowing smoother. Of course this is just my personal taste.
Also I think you mean manner at the end there, not matter, but I could be wrong.