I cannot express how much I hate it when you ask a teacher a question to further help your knowledge and they talk down to you like this. It hasn’t happened to me too many times, but when it does I want to rip out my hair! They are there to be asked questions more than once. I’m getting all worked up now! haha! anyways. I totally get where this is coming from, whether this is from experience or not but anyone would know this is maddening!
I’ve been there, certainly not in Algebra though, haha. I am terrible with numbers.
A suggestion: I would get rid of the “Hand shaking” introduction if you are going to say that he “uneasily” raises his hand in the same sentence. They are conveying the same message to the reader. Also a minor typo: I think you mean “a simple problem” not “an”,
I really love this line: “He turns to the dusty chalkboard and continues to solve the problem in aggressive, blocky script, explaining each step slowly and with the kind of tone usually reserved for toddlers and pets.” It just so perfectly sums up this character. Well done :)