It was one of those drugs that made me think I was having the best summer ever.
It was one of those drugs that made me invent things to cover my boredom with light.
It was one of those drugs that made me comb the shag carpet all in one direction.
It was one of those drugs that made me walk the cereal aisle for twelve hours.
It was one of those drugs that made me think I knew how to make a plaster mask.
It was one of those drugs that made me hammer my face, plaster burrowing in.
It was one of those drugs that made me numb as I peeled away plaster, brows and skin.
It was one of those drugs that made me think I had to keep snorting to stay alive.
It was one of those drugs that made my body fall asleep, unmovable, but eyes wide open.
It was one of those drugs that made my voice silent while someone licked my mouth.
It was one of those drugs that made a 22 year old scared to try it again.
It was one of those drugs that makes this 48 year old’s ears still ring.