Pizza Palace
When a 12 year old girl,Kiley,asks to take a walk around the block she finds a homeless guy with two children. She has 1 dollar but she thinks “No way I will not give this money to a stupid,dirty,grungy homeless person I deserve the money more than they do”. She stops at a resturant,Pizza Palace she spent her one dollar on a drink and a slice of pizza.While she is walking and eating she looks at the homeless guy and two kids again,and shrugs her shoulders and stops to look.The guy says "Hello little girl Im Jack Hoffman, and these are my kids Breanna Hoffman and Skylar Hoffman.She looks at them one last time and walks away.8 years later living on her own on the streets,she finds a newspaper in somebodys yard,and steals it.She looks at the weather,then the comics but something catches her eye,the headlines are “Breanna and Jack Hoffman,millionares”. She has a flashback of when he introdused his kids.Kiley felt guilty,mean,and alone.She bought two Colas and two slices of pizza.She droped it off at their door.