Writing my words upon the rocks (Pt. 2)
I used to wake up drenched in sweat, looking for a pad to scribble, lest I forget what I feel. But then, I go back to sleep again, to be woken up again by this naked exhibition of the dark secrets I hold within me. I write so that I can go to sleep; I write so that I wake up.
Writing is a state of mind, a semi-conscious stage where the border between fantasy and reality blurs; the distinction between truth and fiction does not exist. Anybody can write, you just have to know when.
And you have to have the courage. The courage to put pen to paper and let it move on its own, starting with nothing more than lines. Soon the lines become curves, curves become alphabets, alphabets turn into words, words come together to form sentences, sentences morph into verses and paragraphs and paragraphs run into pages, the pages of life.