You could make this all your own by getting rid of most of your adjectives, they’ve been used too many times in too many novels of this genre. Make up some of your own words, this and sci fi are the best genres to practice this.
This is the dark ages too, no time for color a.k.a., adjective.
A thickness weighed heavy over every piece of man and beast that covered the ash-laden ground. Firstlight cast but a sliver of hope amid the muck that had filled it (it’s ?) fore. Now it only exposes a distant horizon.
(Be careful describing light as enveloping a thing, it usually exposes a thing, darkness envelopes. It can work, but I don’t think it works well in this context.)
If I strip out most of the adjectives, which I do, I copy and paste in notepad then zap them, I really like this piece a lot.
Not everyone likes the smell of floral words, especially the readers of the Dark Age genre. When they are used, it’s minimal and very special.
Thank you both for your comments and suggestions. I thought the “flowery” adjectives were necessary to convey the “emotions” of love and honor. As a piece of poetry might do, I hoped to use the adjectives to incite an emotional response more than to tell a story.
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ElshaHawk (LoA)