

“Sergeant, Gunner Smith is displaying signs of catatonia.”

“What’s his bullet to kill ratio?”

“89.5 percent.”

“Hmm. 90 and we slap a mercy patch on him. You could pour a hut, send up a beacon.”

“Two days ago he was requesting more field time.”

“Captain Seagreen, off record. When I was eight, I got into an accident. When I woke up, I was happy I couldn’t feel anything; my legs were a mangled mess. But the look on my guardian’s faces was bloodless. I didn’t understand.”

“Ten days later, my legs were on fire, like lava leeches attacking. It took me years to appreciate why my guardians were grinning with the doctors while I writhed in agony. Pain represents life Captain. Emotional pain is the same. Anger, frustration, despair, are all symptoms.”

“Sargent, are you saying Smith is emotionally paralyzed?”

“Yes. But failure to thrive is the final step, then his brainstem will go into shock. If you’re going to send up a beacon, do it now. Like I said, it’s your call. Either choice is a compassionate one.”

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