
A Great Victory

From my kneeling position I could only spit up at my captor.

The general thumbed the spray of spittle off of his pants. “Good. You should hate me. I’d be worried if you didn’t. Need I remind you of what I have put you through over the years?”

“No.” I said through clenched teeth.

“Keep that in mind as I make you an offer.”

“What offer?”

“Shh. Not yet.” General Koros raised his voice. “Bring forth the prisoners.”

Dozens of bedraggled people were prodded into the courtyard.

I gaped. I knew them. Each person was someone who had offered me a warm bed or some small scrap of food when I was in need. They were good, honest people.

“Do you doubt that I would kill them if they weren’t useful to me.”


“This is my offer. You work for me. You do your damnedest to achieve my goals and not only do I spare these people, but I will also see that they keep their independence. Some of it, at least.”

I didn’t hesitate, to do so would be to lose what little of my soul that remained. “I am yours to command.”

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