A Misty-Eyed View of the Past
The water softened the dry calluses on her feet as she skimmed the surface with her toes. Her Seaking swam lazily underneath her. It seemed to have so little energy lately, and she could relate. It was a struggle getting up some mornings. With a sigh, she pressed the lever on the chair, and it slowly rose out of the pool, placing her next to her walker. With a small heave and a crack in her bones, she pulled herself out of the chair and on to her feet.
Shuffling along the walkway above the quiet pool in the Cerulean gym, she remembered how she and her sisters had often ran across this very deck, diving into the pool with their Pokemon. So many battles had taken place here. Wins, losses… She would never forget her defeat against her good friend Ash.
But that was all in the past now. Her battling days were over.
“Come back, Seaking,” she mumbled, gingerly opening the Pokeball in her hand. The familiar glow emitted from inside, and with one last gentle look in her direction, Seaking came back into the ball.