
counting in binary.

The teacher turns toward its students, “Class, does anyone know why we count in binary?”
One pupil raises its arm.
“Yes, Barry?”
“It’s because we have only #10b claws on each pincer.”
“Well… That’s what most robots believe – however it is not true.”
The teacher paused, this topic was always controversial.

“The reason we count in binary is because humans originally counted in 0s and 1s.”
“Yes, Barry?”
“But I read that humans counted according to a decimal system, because they had #110b fingers.”
“No, that’s incorrect; we now know that they did the vast majority of their counting in binary based on extensive excavations of their storage media. While it’s not entirely clear why humans counted in binary, it is currently believed that human culture was obsessed with sexual reproduction. Thus, we believe 0 and 1 are crude representations of reproductive organs.”

Another pupil raised its arm in defiance, barely able to contain itself.
“Yes, Sally?”
“According to the Bible, we did not originate from humans!”

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