Wow, way to ratchet up the suspense in this one!!! Aveline kinda freaks me out in this one… I wonder if she was responsible for the winds?
sounds like she was responsible for the winds in this one.. don’t cross this girl.. I love the name Benton for the rich father, lol!
Great suspense. I like how Aveline was set away from all the bustle and have a whole character of herself.
You has sequel.
Wow, that was horrid and not at all where I thought that was going or where it could go.
I have to agree with THX. You took innocent (or not-so-innocent?) Aveline and made her evil… Very nice twist. I loved the fact that his shirt was smeared with red jam, almost like blood.
I have to agree with THX. You took innocent (or not-so-innocent?) Aveline and made her evil… Very nice twist.
I loved the fact that his shirt was smeared with red jam, almost like blood.