
Breaking Down

I didn’t remember how I found myself sitting at a table with Alicia. She hadn’t changed a bit. Beautiful eyes stared at me over the rim of a tea cup.

“Here we are again.” She said calmly.

My heart broke at the sound of her voice. “You haunt my dreams. Please stop. I still love you and I probably always will, but it’s ruining my life.”

She set the cup down on the edge of the table. and looked at me sadly. “There’s nothing I can do about that. You’ve locked me there and you are the only one who can release me. I haven’t caged you, you’ve caged a memory of me and that memory will haunt you until you let it go. I’ve changed since you last saw me but your dreams can’t reflect that because you don’t know the details. All I am is a snapshot of the past.”

“A picture of better times.” I protested stubbornly.

“It’s time to move on, past time really. Let me go so you can live your life.” She pushed the cup to the edge of the table. Then pushed a little more. It fell. As it shattered against the tile floor, I awoke.

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