Thanks for sharing the story. Nice job getting all the set up in there for the quote to make sense and have its effect. Trains can make for such interesting stories.
Thanks, THX! I was wondering if anyone wanted to have a stab at a sequel? I have one which I’d like to hold on to for a short while to free up any creative juices y’all might have. Anyone up for it or should I just whack my one up?
There’s a bit of grammar that could be cleaned up, but I like the out-of-place yet ‘fairly pretty’ girl and I think something interesting could grow out of the encounter.
Thanks, Sanglorian. Could you be specific about the grammer errors? Oh and, why not try and grow your own development. It’d be fun to see where 3 different Authors take it.
THX 0477
Funky Chunky
Funky Chunky
Funky Chunky