The difference between then and than is important. ‘Than’ is used when comparing. Such as “I would rather eat a cake than a bagel.” ‘Then’ is relative to chronology. “I want to go for a ride and then eat.”
The difference between then and than is important. ‘Than’ is used when comparing. Such as “I would rather eat a cake than a bagel.” ‘Then’ is relative to chronology. “I want to go for a ride and then eat.”
you’ve really captured a feeling for which there are no words. beautiful. one question: did you mean “multiple tears” (like crying) or “multiple tiers” (as in there may be multiple reasons why its falling apart)?
you’ve really captured a feeling for which there are no words. beautiful. one question: did you mean “multiple tears” (like crying) or “multiple tiers” (as in there may be multiple reasons why its falling apart)?