
strange and quite disorienting being here

what is it
about your scars
that intrigue me
so much

you caught me staring
at least, i think you did
you probably thought
i was judging you
and i was
i was judging you relentlessly

and what i decided was
you are strong
you are probably the strongest person
i have ever met
and i wish i was your friend

i want to wake up
and see you
sitting on the patio
in the moonlight
and i want to bathe in the blood with you

how can you wave your arms around in the air
with five scars per square inch of skin

how can you walk around
with burns and cuts and scratches
and not be the least bit ashamed

how can you be that strong

what did you do here
how did you do that

i want to know the
of every single one
of your scars

and i want to feel them
and i want to feel what it
felt like
to press into your skin
and tear apart the collagen
i want to know the consistency of your flesh

i want to know everything about you

how can you be that strong
can i be as strong as you one day
can i be just like you one day

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