Solipsists Anonymous
“How was your SA meeting?” She asked.
“I find the irony of the meetings intriguing I suppose. Otherwise, why would I keep going?” I questioned seriously, sipping my coffee. This was the typical Wednesday afternoon ritual. Coffee at Aseity’s, outside if the weather was fair, and indeed the weather had been fair.
“Right. Well, you know I don’t buy into that Brain In A Vat stuff Charley. I still find it amusing that you believe you contrived all of this.” She said as she made a sweeping motion against the scenery with her arm.
“I’m glad it’s amusing.” I said.
“Besides,” she said coyly “If all the world’s a stage….” She appeared to reserve the remainder of her argument for another day. “I need to go; I’m late for meditation class. Today’s topic is ‘mindfulness of the mind’. Imagine that!” She said sardonically. “Cripes…Never mind!” She pushed her chair back, leaned over the small table, kissed me on the cheek and hurried off down the street.