An epic tale begins...
“I just got this bad boy on my last raid…”, with a dramatic flourish, the paladin draws his sword, "I call it the “Holy Avenger” – this baby gives me a +5 on attacking and defending." The others look on in envy. Haj Trueheart was a man you did not mess with.
A dark, hooded 9th level halfling thief snickers, “Well, let’s just say, when we walk into a den of orcs – you can go first.” He picks at his teeth with a chipped dagger. Meral Ravenous and Haj had a long history of campaigning; which was rare, considering that any self respecting Lawful Good character generally did not associate with seedier Neutral Good types.
A noobie cleric (Erik the As Yet Unnamed), and an elven mage (Mika Fireblood) awkwardly sip from goblets of Mountain Dew. Only a few minutes ago, they’d entered the Bubblin’ Cauldron Pub. After a cursory introduction, the two seated themselves across from Haj and Meral.
For no reason whatsoever, a bartender approaches the small party.
“This town’s been plagued by a troublesome dragon.”