

do you not like my anger?!
she says it makes me feel like a stranger
that it scares her
but it scares me too
whats wrong with my anger?
if you dont like it then call it what it is
my anger is that of a crying baby left in a manger
my anger is not just yells and screams
read the lines inbetween, past the white noise
and uncover that my voice is one of ten thousand unloved boys
come christmas time played with stolen toys
a home with no joys
he is one of ten thousand.
but he is me and all I want is a we, an us
somthing I can trust
people say my anger is misplaced
but its no onger just mine its ours
and it will not be erased
only displaced
there is nothing wrong with my anger
my words will bring justice
and beleive me it shall be swift
my anger was never the cause but the effect
of a worlds poor ruled by a king with no respect

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