
I Live

I live in
the poor get poorer while the rich collect their riches
and there are no stitches to seal
no pain we can heal, not alone
but I’m living
never alone, and still never at home
nights spend long on the phone wishing god could throw me a damn bone
still living
in a world that forces me to be
ripped for her plesure and long as she can stay thin for mine
choked my media that rips grape from vine
thought from mind
steals the fruit of individuality and toses out the rine
damn it look at our time
we are not living
we are surviving
day by day
beat by beat
for me by the very rhyme that i try to speak
this isnt living
ina goverment of kings that rape , burn, take whats yours
untill we dont beleive in giving
this isnt thiving
this is not living
we are not living

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