
the futon

it was broken when we got here
who knows when it happened
maybe it was broken from the beginning
i was trying to fix it
i was trying to make it work again
i was trying to set the little pegs in the track again
so it could fold down
and up
and down
and up
and do something
and you came down
when i was trying to fix it
and secretly looking for a way around it
and you came down
and told me that i needed someone else to fix it
my hands were not strong enough
and you were right
and they were shaking
and i told you i was alright
but the redness of my eyes and
the constriction of my pupils
said otherwise
and i tried to cover the couch back up
with the cushion
so we could move on
and forget about everything
like i so want to do every time anything happens
but you won’t let me
and i just want to stomp on the couch
and break it even more
but i can’t move
and this couch is so uncomfortable
and it just makes me angry
and nothing i do can fix it
no matter how hard i try
because whatever helps,
you take away from me

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