
I Love Cheese!

One of the things I want more than anything is to write, and I want my words to be perfect.

I know, there isn’t such thing as perfection. Still, I want my writing to be short but intense, funny but serious, deep even if shallow.

I want my writing to be like cheese.

There are so many varieties, there is the simple down to earth cheese, and then the funny and sexy blue cheese. Cheese can borrow a playful look when French people are around, but still be serious about time, since aging is serious matter in this industry. She likes to imagine herself being something totally different, a cup of tea, twin of a good book, on a rainy day. In the afterlife, she lives as a playful cheesecake.

All the time, somewhere, everywhere, a photographer will say “Cheese!” because we all know, cheese makes people smiley happy.

Every day, she hangs out with her soulmate, a glass of red wine. They keep each other company in this lonely world, and he makes her the best version she’ll ever be.

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