Conflicting, because you claim taking the step would give you rest, but then say it would not banish the demons. I guess you have to move back to go forward. :)
thanks for all the comments! mark, your conclusion is the one I was going for with this. I really wanted it to juxtapose the simplicity of carrying out a decision like that with the complexities of the things that would lead someone to that point. I don’t know if it did THAT effectively, but that it got the reactions it did means I must have done something right! Thanks again.
Needs some minor edits, have a re-read, just a couple spaces and a couple letters.
I drove a city bus in Seattle. In training, we spent a couple hours being taught how to watch for these people, people who wanted to commit suicide or, if they survive, sue the bus company for hitting them.
It was a disturbing two hours. I don’t consider this story a suicide story, but a what-if musing. I like it.
This reminded me in a way of the movie What about Bob? with bill murray and richard dreyfus. Dreyus’ character wrote a book called Baby Steps…take lifes challenges one small step at a time.