
Itinerant Street Preacher

Emelia leaned against a light pole, took a cautious sip of her coffee and listened to him speak.

He wasn’t as grimy as some of the others she’d seen who liked to rant at shoppers, nor were his eyes as wild. He sat on a boulder in the middle of the cobbled pedestrian street and pitched his voice to echo off of the plate glass of the storefronts; loud, but not shouting.

“Someone soon will turn the world around with her words; will reset the calendars and chase the beasts out of Bethlehem! She will remind everyone that to be human is not a small thing, and that the universe and all of eternity are blank maps waiting for us to sketch something in!”

Emelia smiled and ran a hand over the curve of her belly. Reminding everyone seemed a bit beyond her, but it would be a good thing to remind one person.

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