
Eddie Tucker

“And may I introduce you to – Eddie Tucker!” With that, the xenobiologist whips the coroner’s sheet back, revealing a small humanoid corpse.
Just over 4 feet tall, the body has smooth greyish skin that is mottled with decomposition. Notably, the head, hands and feet are disportionately large. Its face has large pupil-less eyes, a lipless mouth, and small orifices where the ears and nose should be.

“You’ve named him?”
“Well, John Doe wasn’t going to work.” – Dr. Lee grabs an overflowing file.
“Hmm… Recovered from crash site…” Dr. Lee clucks his tongue while he skims through the first pages.
“Ah yes, here we are” – reading in a monotone voice:
“All major organs are present and appear to possess analogous function. Tissue analysis indicates that the subject’s DNA maintains a 97.5% similarity. Carbon isotopes are consistent with other terrestrial fauna. The subject is considered morphologically similar to homo sapiens. "
“Eddie’s from Earth”
“Don’t be shocked – he’s a time traveler.”

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