
..but can't breathe out.

: [name withheld]…

: I know I need help.. I’m actually thinking about using that number you gave me. That suicide hotline shit or whatever.

: Do it. Call them. They’ll help you.. trust me.

: But.. can you do it for me please? I’m scared.

: I’m deaf, [name withheld]. I can’t hear on the phone at all. You’ll have to do it. Trust me.

: ….okay. if I don’t answer back to your texts, I’m on the phone with them.

: That’s fine. I’ll be waiting here.

: … I called them. But when they answered I hung up. I can’t talk to them, I’m scared. Please..

: [name withheld], you have to call them. Please. Trust me, don’t be afraid to talk to them. It’s anonymous. They’ll help. Trust me. I know it’s scary.. I know. Don’t be scared to call them.

: …I don’t know what’s going to happen.

: I don’t know either.

: I gotta go now. Mom’s taking my phone away since I have to do homework. Call them.. Ask them for advice. Do it..

: …ok.

[two hours]

: Madi, I called them.. Thank you for that number.

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