Neat idea, a twist on the ‘trial by public opinion’ that already happens in some ways. It works in that way, like all great sci-fi, as a warped reflection of the reality we already live.
It’s a great start for a series. I’ll have to read on now. The character is definately interesting. He seems to genuinely believe in his innocence, which makes me wonder why the vote was so dramatic. Maybe that’s just a comment on the impact of total democracy.
‘Bondar’s slender frame wilted’ – this is really what got me backing Bondar. He seems a little helpless. That and the acceptance of his fate.
You’ve fulfilled the brief that’s for sure. Not only have you created Bondar’s character but the guard’s too. Sort of a classic cop – the bored, stereotypical couldn’t-care-less attitude melting into humanity as he talks with the prisoner.
Great opener. Cheers for entering the challenge. It’s a great piece! Sorry for the late comment =/