I agree with what the others have said before me. This is very well done.
I love the calm, cool, connectedness of the main character in the face of a fantastical situation. She knew exactly what to do, and stayed chill the whole time.
They post grad photos on school walls? I’ve never seen that.
A word note – “disoriented” is the same thing as “disorientated”. The “-tated” ending feels a bit more awkward to say – is that the reason it’s in there? To subconsciously massage mood? I tend to shave my ficly pieces where I can, and “-tated” could be “-ted” – which can matter at times. And then there’s “returned returned”. :)
The “whatever” is good – it skips all the “me from the past/me from the future” business and packages it into the perspective of a jaded former time traveler.
Just so you know, it took me a long while to wrangle out who I wanted to pick, even after the work-inflicted delay. And you were the early favorite – it was a really close thing.
As my first fan and the first writer I followed, I’ll always look forward to more of your stories hitting my desk.