Haha, I new there was going to be a Robert Quick Twist® at the end, and I wasn’t disappointed.
I have a trademarked twist? O.o I hope that doesn’t mean I’m going down the M. Night Shyamalan path (unless I get paid like M. Night Shyamalan lol).
The QuickTwi§t® is not an in-the-face twist ending. If this was an M Night Suckamalan twist then Roland would have a rare genetic code variation that could lead to the cure for cancer, and he would be made of play-doh.
oh no, not the little brother! Stormhawks sound dangerous. What are those two youngin’s doin’ with one?
Why don’t you sequel it and find out? haha
Concerned Reader
Robert Quick
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Concerned Reader