
That bloody therapist

Desmond watched as his father and that…. That… Woman stood together. Tears stung his eyes, which were squinted in disgust. He clenched a fist, and stepped into the room. He caught the eye of the therapist, who stopped her giggling to look to him. Desmond swallowed, “Dad, can I have a word?” he growled. His face was contorted with utter disgust and anger. He stepped out, and immediately slammed a fist into the wall. He’d made a considerable dent. “Why, father?” he said simply. Tex raised a brow, “Why w-” “Why her!?” he spat. He turned around with rekindled fury in his eyes. “What about mom?” His voice shook, and tears once more stung the edge of his abyss like eyes. “What about her, huh? Yeah, I’ve been watching. Forget she exists, did you? Forget who I am like? Who mothered me? Who you let die? The reason you hired the rich bitch therapist in the first place? Yeah, well, I remeber.” He clenched his fists, staring at his father with blazing eyes. “So, you know what? I won’t bother you anymore. Bye.”

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