
Nothing to Report, Unless... (Temp Title)

Sweeping around the second time, Franz carefully piloted his Wasp through the floating debris of what had used to be a freighter. Whatever had caught the caught the transport had made a damned mess. The only thing to salvage here was the steel, and generally there were easier ways to do that.

He sighed and squeezed the trigger for the mic at his mouth. “This thing is a bust, as in literally busted.” Franz paused. “As in torn apart and spread over kilometers busted.”

“We get it.” Red’s voice answered icily in his ear.

Franz smiled as he thought of the short, curvy communications specialist. “Oh, hey Red, I thought Jonas was on duty.”

“He was. He’s not now.”

“I’d ask you to chill, but it sound positively frigid over there already. You should ask someone to turn on the heat.”

“Keep talking and I’ll mark this channel as ‘Emergency Only’.” Red retorted.

“That’s not very ni-” Franz stopped as he noticed something hidden amidst several large chunks of debris. “I think I actually found something. Please hold.”

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