The Vault
The vault usually had what he needed so Frank had climbed the sound of chimes in the courtyard to pluck a leaf from the Bhodi tree, he had collected his certificate of sanity from the non-mad science corner in the lab and plucked the key from underneath the 32nd seashell in the painting of the woman.
He had consumed his leaf and then handed the certificate to the personification of February to enter the hallway to nowhere, he’d turned left at Thursday and then chucked the key into a vase on the ceiling above the painting of infinite sparrow hawks to unlock the door of the vault.
After gambolling through the door he found himself in an airily oppressive room, the walls were glass windows to nowhere and the floor a rather pleasant green and red marble. In the centre stood a wooden plinth with a note on top, surrounded by a stream of reflective water, Frank frowned and hopped twice on his right foot before jumping over the stream to land on his left foot, he picked up the note with a sigh and read.