
Ruining a Good Thing

Her features were sharper than I remembered. All the pockets of fat that had accumulated in her cheeks and around her neck had melted away leaving a sharp, almost vulpine face. She grinned as she saw me look her up and down in disbelief. The changes were incredible. Her tongue peeked out and touched her lips, moistening them. It was incredibly erotic.

I felt a stirring in my pants and knew that was exactly what she wanted. Blood pounded in my head; drums urging me on. I ached with a need for her. My mind raced ahead and I envisioned myself tearing off her clothes. In that moment I felt something else- a wracking surge of chest-wrenching guilt.

It was hard to think. Everything was fuzzy but I forced myself to speak up. The words weren’t exactly right but they were all I could manage. “Did you change your mind? Do you love me now?”

She reached for my my tenting fly and arched an eyebrow. “Love? Who’s talking about love?”

Disappointed flooded through me, killing the moment.

“I thought we were.” I mumbled.

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