
Light and Dark

He wore a clandestine white suit, pale blonde hair in perfect place, a frame of curls around his picturesque face. His steps echoed along the marble corridor, which grew gradually dimmer. He stopped abruptly, fumbling for a key deep in his pocket, before taking the second last door.

In the corner of the dimly lit room, a dog-like creature glared up at him, its snout ensnared in a cruel steel muzzle with mean edges which dug into the sides of its snarling mouth. Its body was covered with tufts of black fur, skin pulled painfully over its emaciated ribs. A choke collar anchored it to the wall with a five-inch heavy steel chain.

Suddenly the creature tensed up, steeling itself for a round of periodic currents which ran through it’s collar. It twisted horribly, emitting a tortured whine which echoed around the room, seeming to come from the walls themselves. When it was over, it went limp, glaring up at the man accusingly, before snarling and straining against the chains.

“So, you’re still alive?”

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