Bahahaha! Funny when you see how much value something really has. Gold? Super computers? Deathstar machines? Who cares about all that stuff! Gimme a paper lantern instead! Oh, and a velvet birdhouse!
I really liked this story. The bit that got me is the way that immortality is just a footnote. Oh, and they said they’d throw in immortality as well.
Ah, but immortality can be fickle. I play warhammer, and I collect Necrons, a race of aliens who were deceived by the Star Gods, the C’Tan, into sacrificing their flesh and becoming sentient robots. This was all packaged under the title of “immortality”. But I’m sure that won’t happen to these hapless humans.
Princess Binky Lemontwist (LoA)
Nuno Teixeira
H.S. Wift
Les Orchard