Alton Sat Alone
Why do all call centers seem like military bases? It’s bad enough that you’re trapped inside a cubicle all day under florescent light. Is it really necessary to be meticulously scanned by security every time you enter the parking lot? Do they really think someone is going to get high in the parking lot or bring a gun to work and unload?
The security guard took Alton’s fingerprints and snapped a quick polaroid for his name badge and then asked him to return to the lobby and wait for someone to escort him into the complex. At least Alton thought he said complex – he probably just said training room. Alton was sure of it.
Alton sized up his competition… his future teammates. They were an odd assortment to say the least.
And they were like teenagers in the cafeteria. The beautiful and the popular gravitated toward one another, while in rapid succession everyone else found their kindred spirits based on nothing more than style of clothing and appearances.
At the end of the sizing up period. Alton sat alone.