(What Actually Happened) The Lady Or The Tiger?
The semi-barbaric princess was agonized, torn between telling her lover, who was to serve the justice of the arena, to go to the left door or to the right door. Whether to let him live but marry a maiden that she loathed, or to keep him for herself but let him get torn to bits by a ferocious tiger.
What to do, what to do? After days of no sleep, she made her decision. She would wave to the right door.
The lover escaped a gruesome death by a tiger and was happily married to the maiden. They were taken to a small cottage by a raging river and were told to live happily ever after.
Later, at midnight, a masked figure crept into the cottage where the couple was sleeping. The figure grabbed the maiden & tore out of the cottage with the maiden suddenly shrieking and flailing in the his arms. He barreled to the black, rushing water & dove in with the maiden who was still screaming.
The princess’ lover was running after them when the princess appeared through the trees.
“Run.” She whispered and took off with him.