Google IT
He sat in the dark all alone. The light from his laptop screen lit the keys below. As he stared at the “f” keys, hoping to find inspiration; nothing. He felt that maybe he’d gotten in way over his head. The challenge he put upon himself might be too challenging after all.
That’s when he realized he had started writing free-form. Not sure if it was a style of writing, he decided to Google it and discovered he didn’t need the hyphen and usually it’s just referred to as “free writing”.
After that, he went back to thinking about the function keys once again. Who’s idea was it to put “f” keys on a keyboard in the first place? So he Googled it. He didn’t get an answer to ‘who’ but did get an answer to ‘when’. Early on, when computer programmers were using DOS.
He tried to remember what ‘DOS’ stood for. Data Oriented System? No. Disk Operating System. Yes! It was a simple and logical conclusion. The memory disk needs a system to preform operations. He knew what it meant; and he didn’t have to Google it.