
why won't you just sing to me

why please
just let me hear your voice
i don’t know why
i just want it
it’s one of the few things that makes me happy anymore
i don’t know why
i don’t understand
why couldn’t things be different
why couldn’t i have stopped this
why wasn’t i there
where was i
where was i
why was i wasting my time on myself
i just wish i could take it all back
i wish i could start all over
i wish i could hold you
i wish something would just go according to plan for once
i wish you were back
i wish you were the same
i wish you were the person i knew before i knew you
i wish we could all go back
when everyone was happy
when none of us had scars on their arms
or wrists
or legs
or hearts
and before any of us knew what the inside of a mental hospital looked like
god what would it be like
what would we be like
if none of this ever happened
i can’t even remember when we were happy
but i just wish i could be there with you again

you sang to me
while unknowingly your voice jerked the tears from my heart
and i just don’t know why

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