Pffft and you say you don’t have any ideas. Look at the stuff crammed in here: dust and smoke, asteroid, cave, kids, martians, a nonsculpting human, were-pups, a space-gypsy, asylum, Ink War, Nobody wins, the last tank of Ink. Any one of these parts could be expanded into a Ficly.
Aside from that, I am glad that you found some value in my suggestions thus far. This was really interesting as it was a kaleidescope of strangeness and appears to be part of something big- the end of one era and the beginning of another.
I think what they say, or especially what the gypsy teen says, is terribly cliche, and maybe there are just too many ideas in here for one short ficly.
That said I think it’s the basis for a great story if it was spread out. A mis-matched group, it seems, in a post-apocalyptic world. The little group already seem to have a character.
“Sir” may be the leader but the little gypsy has a buttload of influence on him, and the martian twins are creepy and shellshocked.