
Claws & Fangs & Poison (Part 2)

You are furious and hurt and in despair at the scale of carnage
A helping hand helps you see that you can be useful and are needed
You muster up your courage and bind your own recent wounds
You push the poison out of your veins, flushing it out of your heart and put on your armor

You bravely step into the fray, the attacks on your armor and nerve-wracking
You grab a sick soul and slowly flush out the poisons from him despite howling
You painstakingly take out the barbs and spikes from their skin despite struggling
You lovingly stop the bleeding boils despite crying out

There are too many for you to fix alone
But perhaps as cured ones and unveiled people see
Maybe they can help fix and cure and soothe
So you bravely march on and hope for an eventual happy ending

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