
Job Offer

“May I sit here?”

Durellia jumped at the voice as her eyes glanced up from her book about conspiracies, false history, and masons. A man looked at her, waiting, with an amused look hiding in his milk chocolate irises. Durellia stared at him for a little too long before she could get her bearings.

“Uh… OK.” She managed and she looked down quickly, her cold coffee suddenly needing to be stirred.

She thought she heard him chuckle as he folded his tall, lean frame into the wooden chair across from the small coffee table. Durellia closed her book, nervous and bewildered as to the stranger who would not stop staring at her.

“You need a job.”

Durellia looked up in shock, “How would you know?”

The man grinned & shrugged, “I can give you a job. It would involve a lot of traveling though. And some paperwork.”

Durellia narrowed her eyes, “Who are you and what kind of job?”

The man smiled softly, “There’s a sniper sitting two tables from us. We can discuss this at your place.”

Then, he grabbed at her and ran.

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