Dimensional gateway-like rings (little tiny Stargates) have been attached to her legs and her midriff that allow those parts to be separated – and a robot body (under her mental control) keeps her moving around.
If you’ve seen the video game Portal, it’d be like putting portals into two pie plates, then stepping through one portal with your leg until the pie plate was just above your knee, and the other pie plate would be your leg from above the knee down. Repeat for the other leg, then put a portal pair into a turkey roasting pan put over your arms and head to your midriff.
(I knew I was gonna have problems with putting all this concept into a ficly.)
hmm, i mean its strange, but i wasnt as disgusted as turned on, in order to win you’ll have to peak curiosity just as much as you peak our sexual interest.
Nice enough concept, but particularly wonderful execution. We get a really strong sense of Jes, what she’s going through, what tensions and thrills are running through her. And the concept/technology doesn’t mar that. Very skilful.