I have little or no idea what’s going on, but with the title I’m doing a lot of imagining. Even though confused, definitely still getting the emotion behind it all pretty clearly, which is impressive.
That’s exactly what I was aiming for. I can’t link to the City of Dreams from here and enter this into the challenge at the same time. Start at http://ficly.com/stories/830 for a fuller picture of what H and Pauline are talking about.
I know this story quite well now, so it’s easy to picture your protagonists as the speak.
H curled up in a corner of her sofa, cuddling a pillow and nervous as heck, while Pauline cradles her phone against her ear in a more open position, but still radiating confusion and more than a little hurt.
You really capture the emotions of the women in this dialogue, even where it’s a bit stilted, while still managing to push the narrative forward.