
I believe the children are our future...

“Today’s lesson, then,” Boro announced. He took his place behind the control podium. The class fell silent, recent drama forgotten. Lights dimmed to utter blackness and the atmoseal engaged. Alice heard the hiss of hypnogas, and dreaded the bitter taste that would linger in the back of her throat. She leaned back into the desk’s cradle, inhaling deeply, and felt the wire snake into the back of her head. For a moment, total nothingness. Blackness with eyes wide open.

Suddenly, the room sparkled like the inside of a geode. None of the students could be seen. They were all being fed the same vision. The space erupted into activity, showing a 3d motif. The images were familiar— icons depicting the Quest for Energy. Boro’s voice could be heard over it all, like the voice of God. “Before leaving Earth, we used the Van Allan Array to provide energy while Hydrogen Fusion was being developed. Once we had HF, the amount of energy available to us was no longer an issue. Energy bandwidth was the problem.”

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